
Monday, September 3, 2012

Patchwork Picture

I just finished this piece of artwork last week. I wanted something big to hang on our wall, and spent a little time looking around pinterest for some ideas.  I found a couple of pictures I liked, and mixed them together to get this look. 

For the border, I measured 2 inches in and put painters tape all the way around.  I did 2 strips of tape, making it a 2 inch gap between paint and fabric.  Then I painted the border with a can of blue glidden paint I found in the mis-tint section at Home Depot.  I took off the first section of tape, next to the paint, immediately after painting to prevent the paint from seeping under. 

I cut some fabric into 1.5 x 2 inch rectangles to start with, and then trimmed from there to fit in. I've been decorating our family room with a lot of yellow, blue, green, and grey, so I found some fabric scraps to work with in those colors. I began with a full rectangle in each corner, and then worked my way in.  I put mod podge on the canvas, and then lay the fabric on top.  It took me several evenings watching "Parks and Recreation" with my husband to complete the middle.  :)

I loved how it looked when I took off that last section of painter's tape.  It is now hanging on our living room wall and I LOVE it!  One of my favorite parts is the light blue textured fabric I used.  It was difficult to put on, but really stands out when the light hits it.